
Why everyone is talking about UFOs even though there's still no hard evidence - inews

There’s a lot of disappointment in the world of UFO-spotting. Every time a supposedly “unexplained” video goes viral online, it’s inevitably debunked within a few days, and often by a very prosaic story. The strange pyramid-shaped lights in the sky recorded by US Navy personnel in 2021? It turns out they were just a reflection of light through the triangular-shaped aperture of the camera. The cylindrical craft speeding across the horizon in Doncaster in 2020? Just an insect running across the lens.

For its part, Nasa, which has recently set up a panel to study UFOs, has argued that if we’re going to answer the question of whether we earthlings are alone in the universe or whether we’ve been visited by advanced alien species, we need better data than a few grainy, blurry videos.

But maybe this time is different. Last week, news broke on the tech website The Debrief that a US military whistleblower – an ex-intelligence officer with direct knowledge of investigations into “unexplained aerial phenomena” – had decided to tell the world that the US has for decades collected objects of “non-human origin”, including “intact and partially intact vehicles”.

Whistleblower’s testimony is second-hand

The credentials of the whistleblower, David Grusch, seem to check out.

He really did work in the US military and has a good reputation for credibility among those who knew him (or at least those who have come forward).

So far, so good. But here’s the rub: Grusch’s evidence consists entirely of second-hand testimony. That is, he says he was told by colleagues – including knowledgeable, high-up military personnel – that the spaceships exist in US military facilities, but hasn’t seen any photos of them himself. He later claimed that his colleagues had provided him with “documents and other proof”, and in another interview claimed to have seen “some very interesting things that I’m not allowed to talk about publicly” – but strong evidence this is not.

The story has expanded over time: the original Debrief article focused on the mere existence of the vehicles, but Grusch later added that the crafts can be as big as a “football field”, and that the US government is trying to “reverse-engineer” them. And as if all that wasn’t surprising enough, he also claimed that the “dead pilots” of the crafts – that is, alien beings – had been recovered, and even that he’d been briefed that “malevolent” extraterrestrials had “at one point” murdered humans.

All of this, he said, has been covered up by the US government for decades, in a large-scale “disinformation campaign”.

Comparisons with lab leak theory

It’s hard not to draw an analogy to another recent controversy: that concerning the “lab leak” theory of the origin of Covid-19. A few months ago, the Wall Street Journal reported that the US Department of Energy had concluded that the Covid virus had in all likelihood leaked from a Chinese lab.

Just like Grusch’s revelations, no new hard evidence had been produced. But that didn’t stop a huge wave of discourse from arising, with many people concluding the Department of Energy report had finally vindicated their long-held belief in the lab-leak theory. It had done nothing of the sort (and more recently, it’s come out that there might not even have been such a report in the first place).

Which brings us back to UFOs and extraterrestrials. The journalist Michael Shellenberger, known among other things for his reporting on the “Twitter Files” (the release of documents concerning the alleged censorship of opinions on Twitter before Elon Musk took the website over in late 2022), has stated recently that “high-level” sources have informed him that the US military has been trying to reverse-engineer extraterrestrial spacecraft – agreeing with at least some of Grusch’s claims.

His sources aren’t delusional or psychotic, Schellenberger argues. In fact, they’re “sane, sober, and highly intelligent” experts. He makes a big deal of their illustrious credentials – despite being very sceptical of the establishment in general.

But just like the “expert testimony” in the case of the lab leak theory, being told that an unnamed highly-credentialed person believes something is true doesn’t get us very far without any new hard evidence. There have been very many cases of “officials”, sometimes anonymous and sometimes named, coming forward with UFO revelations in the past, none of which have been followed up with any compelling evidence.

It’s pretty straightforward to imagine how a few brief conversational snippets in a secretive environment like US military intelligence could lead to overblown claims. Someone who chatted a few years ago to a colleague who said they thought aliens probably exist then recounts that conversation to someone else but embellishes some of the details; someone misreads or misremembers a document they read and doesn’t check before mentioning it elsewhere; someone, when in the high-pressure environment of a TV interview, convinces themselves that they saw something written down when in fact they’d just heard it mentioned informally.

And even the smartest, most sober person can spread false information in this way – just look at the multiple Nobel Prize-winners who devoted their post-Prize careers to now-debunked ideas like homeopathy, or at the evidence that scientists regularly cite sources in their studies that say something completely different to what they claim.

We can spend all day going back and forth over who is incentivised to believe what, or what’s in it for a UFO whistleblower (attention, fame, and fortune for one thing, but also ridicule and even legal consequences if they share classified information). There’s even an argument that cases such as this should push governments to be more transparent about what they do and don’t know (though given many UFO investigations overlap with investigations of potential enemy military craft, like the Chinese “spy balloon” spotted over the US in February this year, you can see why they’d be reticent).

But just weigh up the plausibility on either side, here. On the one hand, aliens exist and have visited Earth, presumably using advanced technology that goes vastly beyond our imagination. On the other, essentially a big version of the children’s game of “Telephone” has occurred within the US military, and some people have become confused.

Until we have a shred of hard evidence on the existence of any of these alien spacecraft – not mere testimony, but verified documents, photos, videos, or similar – I’m going to stick with the more prosaic explanation.

Update 13 June 2023: This article has been updated to correct the spelling of Michael Shellenberger’s name.

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June 13, 2023 at 07:01PM

Why everyone is talking about UFOs, even though there's still no hard evidence - inews
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